Rep. Huffman Statement on Supreme Court's Decision to Uphold Rights of Students with Disabilities

March 24, 2017

Washington, D.C.- In response to the unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District to uphold the rights of students with disabilities,  which coincided with Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Senate confirmation hearings and overturned the wrongful precedent he used in a similar case,  Rep. Huffman (D-San Rafael) released the following statement:

The President’s pick for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, 10th circuit judge Neil Gorsuch, is yet another clear signal of the Trump administration’s ambivalence, at best, about the needs of those with disabilities — in this case, children’s educational needs,” said Rep. Huffman.  “During yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, news came from the Supreme Court that one of Mr. Gorsuch’s earlier rulings in a similar case on students with disabilities was completely wrong. The Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District is a victory for students with disabilities: the highest court in the country has now affirmed Congress’ intent under the landmark Individuals with Disabilities Act that schools have an obligation to provide meaningful educational benefits that further improve the quality of education for students with disabilities. Gorsuch had previously ruled in a related case that schools could decide to provide just the bare minimum of support for kids with disabilities.

“The Gorsuch nomination, coupled with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ disastrously wrong misinterpretation of the IDEA law during her confirmation hearings, underscore my concerns about the Trump administration’s commitment to support students with disabilities. Beyond these nominations, we are also faced with the enormously negative impacts of TrumpCare’s Medicaid block grant to those with disabilities.

“We must keep fighting to ensure that every student is prepared for further education, employment, and independent living — no matter where they live. This, of course, cannot be done without resources, which is why I am continuing to advocate in Congress for increased funding for IDEA so that our schools and communities can deliver for all students.”
